Saturday, May 10, 2008

forex trading Updates

Forex Enterprise - A Full Review

A new marketing course to hit the internet by Nick Marks that advertises earnings of $1000 a day and $30,000 a month respectively. This turnkey system generating multiple streams of income is relatively new and so it is my pleasure to review it for you.

After purchasing you are given a login page where you are introduced to the system which is in website format. Everything is easy to access and well organized.

After Nick gives you a little pep talk about positive thinking and goal setting, you will be introduced to his first recommendation: join Coastal Vacations. While not a part of his main Forex system this is a recommendation I could've done without.

In the pay per click section you are given a large list of keywords that Nick found convert really well with his system. Some of the keywords in the list have bid prices already attached to them so you can get front page exposure.

The course also has $50 in free adwords credit that unfortunately only works with new accounts so I was out of luck. If you don't already have an account this is worth the price of the course alone.

The forex course shows you some inexpensive traffic methods and provides links to these sources. He also covers stuff like pop-over ads, e-mail lists and autoresponders. Not bad information by any means, and is an alternative to pay per click advertising if you have a smaller budget.

He has an ebook package that seemed like it was going to be really cool as there were dozens of bonus ebooks and software programs covering everything from creating ebooks and website templates, to getting top positions in the major search engines.

As I took a closer look at this package I realized there were some bargain bin informational products included. However, there were also alot of goodies in there as well that I found rather useful. You get so many ebooks and software in here that it really is worth far more than the price of the course.

There is a section on becoming an Ebay power seller in 90 days that goes into a fair amount of detail and wasn't bad. However, Ebay isn't something I have ever been particularly interested in doing. There is also a section on baccarat strategies that I had no interest in.

One of the last sections of his course introduces you to e-currency exchanging using the DXINONE system. It is a great way to acquaint yourself with this increasingly popular opportunity without having to buy standalone e-currency courses which can cost a couple hundred dollars.

The author has combined several effective ways to earn money online and rolled them all into one course. While I didn't jump up and down about all of his strategies, the free ebooks, software, and adwords credit make Forex Enterprise worth the money.

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Technical indicators
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About the Author

Introducing Broker and trader from Slovenia.

A Couple Points You Should Know About Forex Trading

Forex trading is hugely profitable, but it is not without its' pitfalls. If you're interested in a forex trading career, you will need to employ winning strategies that both ensure capital preservation as well as maximize returns. A Forex trader needs to be organized and needs the requisite tools in his toolset to be successful. Among these tools are:

1) A reliable internet connection - you do not want to be locked out during a crucial trade due to a faulty internet connection
2) A reliable computer - the machine needs to perform and not "freeze up". You need adequate hardware to run any Forex charting or signal software you may way to run.
3) A Dealing Station - this software serves as an interface between you and your broker and allows you to make trades with a few clicks of your mouse.
4) Real-Time Exchange Rates - rates update thousands of times daily, you must have up to the minute quotes
5) Executable Quotations - quotes you can click on and then instantly execute your trade

These basic tools are required, but are no guarantee of success. You will also need to develop a number of personal characteristics in order to succeed. Chief among these is the development of self-discipline. You will need to stick very carefully to a trading plan in order to forge a successful Forex trading strategy. You need to have the discipline to stick with your plan and execute it faithfully. You will need conviction in your beliefs, which will require you constantly seeking more information to augment your intuition. Forex markets move fast, and the best method for fast action on your part is having a plan of action planned, and then seeing it through to the end.

When you begin trading Foreign exchange currencies, you must always limit your downside. Get in the habit of trading only with money you can honestly afford to lose. This way, if you suffer losses, although they may be painful, they will not be completely devastating. Being able to handle your losses in way that doesn't destroy you mentally, emotionally, or financially, is a sure sign of long-term success. All traders experience losses, but great Forex traders keep their impact to a minimum because of careful tactics.

Forex is considered to be one of the most consistent trending markets in the world. Following trends closely can be your best ally in your quest for profits. To against the trend is to invite sudden and total disaster. There are a great number of indicators you will need to follow, although this treatise is too short to cover them. But once you know your indicators inside and out, once your intuition is aligned with the help of technical tools, and above all else, once you have defined and followed your perfect Forex trading strategy, you will know the joys of hugely profitable Forex trading. Good luck in your efforts.

About the Author

For information about Trading Forex, please visit

More information on predict forex

Forex Trading: Margin Usage and Introduction to Hedging

A good rule of thumb for either a mini-account or standard forex account, is to limit your margin usage for each trade to 5% - 10% of your usable margin.

As an example, if your usable margin is $5000, to trade safely, limit your margin usage for each trade to a maximum of $250. This means trading only 1 full lot for each trade. This is assuming that you are trading in a CMS Universal account with 400:1 margin. Your use of margin is increased with a smaller ratio, as most other brokerages only offer a smaller ratio, normally 200:1 or even 100:1.

As your account grows and your usable margin grows, you can increase your margin usage and trade bigger mini or full lot sizes. If you lose money and your account shrinks, drop your margin usage back down to smaller sizes. You need to learn to keep your eye on your usable margin, especially if you've suffered some losses.

Protect your usable Margin by not having more than 2 open hedged or unhedged position at any one time. Your usable margin & equity will get eaten up by un-hedged open positions that go bad in the wrong direction...this is a really good reason why you want to use stops, and if
you hedge, hedge tightly.

IMPORTANT: Don't just keep putting on positions because you think it's a good opportunity. First sell a position and book some usable margin before you put on another position.

NOTE: Hedging does not use up more margin! Use it to protect your equity & usable margin, esp. in an emergency situation!

If you break the hedging rules, and your positions go against you and you aren't properly hedged with stop losses, you'll quickly see your usable margin degrade.
If it degrades enough so that your usable margin goes into the negative, you'll get a margin call. This means that the operators will automatically start selling some of your lots in your oldest losing positions in order to beef up your usable margin. This makes your unrealized loss become a realized loss...and the money is gone from your account.

If you lose too much useable margin, they won't even let you trade in your account, the message they'll give you when you try to put on a new trade is, 'Account in Untradeable Condition'.

If this happens, you might have an open position that needs to be hedged immediately or you might need to sell an old position. Or you might need to deposit more money into your account. Then you can start trading smaller lots to win back some usable margin.

You can lose your entire account balance if you're not careful. One other good thing about forex trading is that you will never lose more money than is in your account, you won't have to sell your house if you get a margin call! Stick to the rules above and this won't happen to you. You'll make more money than you thought possible and without the stress of loss.

About the Author

Cynthia Macy is co-author of 'The Day Trade Forex System: The Ultimate Step-By-Step Guide To Online Currency Trading'.

FOREX Trading Strategies

FOREX Trading Strategies

To be a successful FOREX trader you need to develop and adhere to a trading strategy. There are many different strategy's available and no particular one is good for all traders; rather, each trader needs to develop his or her individual approach to the FOREX. We each have special skills that separate us from others and the FOREX trader needs to find what works best for him/her. Some traders rely solely on technical analysis while others prefer fundamental analysis, but many successful FOREX traders use a combination of both to get a broad overview of the market and for plotting entry and exit points.

Technical analysis, or charting, relies on one key concept: Prices move by trends. The common saying in FOREX and stock trading is 'The trend is your friend.' If prices are moving in one direction, the strength of the move can be observed by looking at the chart. Market movements have identifiable patterns that have been studied for many years and a thorough understanding of these trends and how to use the trends to make FOREX trading decisions form the basis of a good trading strategy.

There are many analytical tools available to study market movements. FOREX traders can use computer software or even pen and paper to perform their own analysis. Books abound describing many of these strategies. The beginner FOREX trader should study each one well and acquire a working knowledge of the concepts. Study each method until it is mastered, then use itthe strategy to fully learn it. Once mastered, move on to the next strategy and repeat. It is a simple practice to "trade" FOREX simply on paper, without entering any actual trades. In fact, this method is highly recommended until the beginning FOREX trader builds some confidence.

Support and resistance levels are used in many FOREX trading strategies. 'Support' refers to the price level that is repeatedly seen as the bottom - when the price reaches this level it tends to rise. Prices will seldom fall below the "support" line. At the opposite spectrum is the Resistance levels. Resistance appears to be the peak that a price will reach when buyers and sellers seem to agree. At this apex prices will move up no further. The space in between "resistance" and "support" is known as the "trading range". Prices can move back and forth within this range for some time. The longer the time frame spent in this range, the more important the signal triggered when prices move outside of the range.

When currency prices break through either support or resistance levels, the prices are expected to continue in that same direction. As mentioned, the longer prices stayed in a trading range, the more significant the "breakout", if prices move above "resistance" or "breakdown", if prices fall below "support" For example, if the price rises above the previous resistance level, it is seen as bullish - the price should continue to rise. This signify's that more buyers have entered the market and this increased "buy" pressure will move prices higher. Conversely, when sellers are too many and buyers few, a "breakdown" could signify prices moving lower again until buyers and sellers once again reach equqlibrium.

To find support and resistance levels, price charts need to be analyzed for unbroken support and resistance levels. Charts can be analyzed in any time frame; short term traders will study daily or even hourly charts while the long term trader will use weekly or monthly charts to easily see the long term trend. Traders can use support/resistance levels to determine when to enter or exit a transaction.

Moving averages are another common tool in FOREX trading strategies. If a trader only uses the closing price of a currency at the end of the day as a guide, it is hard to establish the true direction of the move. Moving averages "smooth" out the large moves and give us a much clearer look at the currency price. One average used is the simple moving average (SMA) shows the average price in a given period of time over a specified period of time. A 10 day SMA simply takes the past 10 day closing price of a currency and averages out the 10 day data. Another popular moving average is a weighted moving average. While similiar to the SMA, the WMA puts more emphasis on the last several days trading. So while still showing a 10 day average, more weight is added to the last couple of trading days to better reflect the true trend. When prices are above the MA, they will tend to stay above the MA line. When the MA is below the line, price decline can be expected as well.

These are examples of trading strategies that can be used individually or in combination. In practice, the FOREX trader should have a repertoire of trading tools to examine market conditions and to support the findings of one trading method or another. Experienced traders will rely on several, rather than one, key indicators to base their trading decisions on.

Similarly, fundamental analysis can be used to reinforce technical findings, or vice versa. The FOREX trader will study currency valuations, inflation rates, and other key financial indicators to decide whether a currency is "cheap" or "expensive" Ideally, the FOREX trader will use several indicators into account when plotting a trading strategy.

Every trading strategy should provide clear guidelines about when to enter a trade, what to expect in terms of market movement, when to exit a trade, and how much loss can be accepted in case the deal moves against the trader. Following these simple guidelines and learning about technical analysis can help you become a successful FOREX trader.

About the Author

Read more of this informative series designed for the beginning FOREX trader at

Major Advantages to Trading Forex

When most investors hear the word forex, the words that flash through their brain are "risky," "complicated," and "tiny profit margins." This is because the information on currency trading isn't as available and easy to access as the stock market. A stock investor just needs to pick up the Wall Street Journal or turn on CNBC to instantly see what's new and exciting. When you're a stock investor, you can talk to your friends, neighbors, and co-workers about what you're buying, share tips, and brag about your profits. Everyone is familiar with the stock market. Forex is a different beast. To find information, you have to turn to the internet or privately run newsletters. You can't talk about forex with anyone in your everyday life because they won't understand the lingo and will have no idea what you're talking about. It's a shame, because our game has some major advantages over stock trading. Maybe if forex information was more public, the average investor would realize the following 5 things to be true.

One thing that most people doesn't realize is that there is no trading commission involved in currency trading. When you're trading stocks frequently, even if it's done online at $20 a pop, the fees start eating into your profits. If you're trading options, you're not only paying a commission on the trade, but you're also paying additional fees per contract. Fortunately for forex investors, the only retail transaction cost is the bid/ask spread which is usually less than 5 pips (0.05%).

Secondly, the currency market is open 24 hours a day, 5 days per week. Unlike the stock exchange, which is only active between the opening and closing bells, you can trade forex first thing in the morning or in the wee hours of the night. There are people all around the world trading at all hours, so a trader can take advantage of any market condition at any time.

Another big benefit to the foreign exchange is the huge leverage opportunity. Leverage, also called margin, is when you borrow your broker's money and add it to your own capital in order to make a larger investment. In the stock market, you have to pass your brokers strict guidelines to be approved for a margin account, and if you do, you'll get a maximum of 2:1 (which means if you invest $10,000, you can borrow $10,000). In forex, a ratio of up to 400 is considered normal. If you use that massive amount of leverage properly and hit some big winners, you can make substantial money in short periods of time. Of course, the opposite is true as well. You can lose substantial money very quickly also. But you can't get a better opportunity to use other people's money.

A fourth advantage to currency trading is it's size. Because the forex market is so huge and has so many traders active at all times, no single investor can corner the market. In the stock market, each equity issue has a finite amount of outstanding shares. For many small cap companies, a large investor could amass a large percentage of those outstanding shares, and because of the low liquidity, their choice to buy, sell, or hold will have drastic effects on the price of that particular stock. With currency, no single investor, not even a central bank, can accumulate a controlling amount of something like the dollar, pound, or franc.

The last great characteristic of the forex that we'll discuss in this article is the never ending bull market. Forex is a zero sum game. A gain is only made when one currency rises in value in relation to another currency. So this means that if one currency is going down, another is going up. In the stock market, when a bear market hits, the vast majority of stocks are all going down. If Microsoft drops 5 points, that certainly doesn't mean that GE went up 5 points. Sure, you can short stocks in a declining market, but the average investor isn't too keen on the unlimited downside risk and probably doesn't even have the margin to be able to make the trade. Just remember that something is always guaranteed to go up in the currency market.

There are dozens of other reasons why the forex is one of the best playing fields in the investment world. If you are an investor, do some research and see for yourself. Open up a demo trading account at one of the several online forex brokers and see how you do. You might just find that it blows the stock market out of the water.

About the Author

This article is just a small piece of the free Forex Trading Course at Go learn about this incredible market and sign up today while the 30 day course is still free.

forex software Trends

Forex Trading - The Secret of "Mr X" And His 5 Figure Income By Using Price Momentum

As a Certified Financial Planner, I have often been amazed with the specific trades that a client, whom I shall call "Mr X" places in the forex and stock markets. His calls are almost always winners, which means his trading signals are very accurate. He does not trade every day, because his trades are based on the trading setups that he obtains, which is around 3 or 4 times every month or averaging a signal a week. Most interesting of all, he is consistently one day earlier in deciding whether there is going to be a trading move or not. He is a trader who is always timely with his entry and exit, which is highly remarkable.

Needless to say, Mr X has been earning a 5 figure income from trading the forex market for years.

How does Mr X do it so consistently?

Firstly, he uses technical analysis and charting, and follow a trading concept called price momentum.

Price momentum dictates that when a currency breaks out in price, the momentum will carry it in the same direction, until it falters and the momentum decreases, and finally comes to a stop.

For Mr X, forex trading is a profitable game as he has perfected his entry and exit positions based on many years of trading experience in the direction of the price momentum.

Once a currency has broken out of a price level and has indicated that it will continue in the same direction, Mr X will just make a purchase position. Conversely, when he sees the price momentum dropping, and touch a certain level that he has determined prior to the occurrence, he would be selling.

In this way, setting a limit to the price momentum to ensure that it goes that direction and surpasses it, greatly enhances his profits, as this makes sure that he is not whiplashed. If the price momentum limit of a "X" number of pips is not exceeded, Mr X knows that the momentum is not strong enough to give him his profits, and he allows that signal to pass. This reduces his risk substantially, and sets him up for massive profits.

Most popular currencies are capable of large swings, swings that are explosive and are sharp several times a month, and when you adopt a price momentum method, you are well placed to capture these explosive price movements and reap massive profits.

There is of course a need to set a stop loss, because no trading system is foolproof. But when you do utilise a price momentum trading system, you will readily find forex trading to be largely profitable.

It is so profitable that Mr X adopts the same principles in trading stocks as well, and with similar results.

Indeed, trading price momentum can be your Forex Cash Cow Strategy. If you desire to see large profits in your trading, make price momentum a part of your trading arsenal. With the risk control limits in place, you can be like Mr X, raking in the profits consistently, month after month without a losing year.

To discover powerful professional trading secrets to help you create a 5 figure income trading forex in the comfort of your home, visit the author's website at