Sunday, May 04, 2008

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What is Forex Trading?

What is Forex Trading?

FOREX, (FOReign EXchange market) or FX, is an international exchange market where stocks and shares are not traded, but currency. The return for the investor is not in the value of the currency per se, but rather the relative exchange value of one currency against another currency.

Therefore, Forex trading is always expressed in pairs such as Euro/US Dollar (EUR/USD) or US Dollar/Japanese Yen (USD/JPY).

By simultaneously buying and selling pairs of currencies, the investor, or speculator, hopes to profit from a favorable exchange rate change. Unlike the American stock exchanges, the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System (NASDAQ), Forex trading is more predictable than stocks.

One strategy that the Forex investor uses is a technique that stems from the assumption that all information about the market and a particular currency's future fluctuations is found in the price chain. In other words, an investor simply looks at what has happened to that currency in the recent past, and predicts that the small fluctuations will generally continue just as they have before. Another strategy for the Forex investor is to analyze the country of the currency's economy, political situation, and other possible rumors. The investor can also anticipate such things as political unrest or change that will also have an effect on the market.

Forex is the largest financial market in the world handling between 1.5 and 1.9 trillion US dollars a day. The combination of rather constant but small daily fluctuations in currency prices, create an environment which attracts investors. Because of the the liquidity of the market, unlike some rarely traded stock, traders are able to open and close positions within a few seconds as there are always willing buyers and sellers.

What are the risks?

Because of the sheer scale of the Forex Market, it ensures greater price stability and greater leverage. With built-in protection in the form of automatic limits for buying and selling, safety margins, and other risk protection measures, the likelihood of ending up in the red even when the Forex market is volatile is infinitely reduced. Furthermore, because of its' size, it is near impossible for a single investor to significantly affect the price of a major currency.

However, all Forex traders should note that the market is one of the most liquid around and subject to strong currency trends. While leverage figures of 100:1 are often times quoted, without adequate risk protection in place the pendulum swing between profit and loss can be dramatic. Even veteran Forex traders can be caught out from time to time and take large hits. With this type of investor speculation, the golden rule must be: don't risk more than what you can afford to lose.

About the Author

Richard Stranberg is a contributing author to the Forex Trading Guide. Visit the Forex Trading Guide at

How The Matrix Will Boost Your Forex Profits?

Perhaps you remember one of the most impactful movies of our time, the Matrix?
Morpheus believed totally in Neo to the point where he almost sacrificed his life to save him. Yet Neo did not believe in himself at the beginning, he was most uncertain about whether he was the One or not. So when he went to see the Oracle, she told him that being the One is like being in love, nobody tells you that you are in love, you just know it. The Oracle pointed to a sign hanging on the door: "Know Thyself"...

Still Neo didn't believe in himself but when agent Smith captured Morpheus and a member of his crew suggested to pull the plug so the agents of the Matrix won't get access to Zion, something in Neo changed and he began to believe...

A little further down the path of the One, Neo "accomplished miracles" because he learned how to believe in himself fully and completely. And remember Neo had a mentor who believed in him beyond any doubt and who taught him how to use his mind to defeat the Matrix and its dangerous agents. Neo's mentor, Morpheus, showed him the path and helped him empower his mind, yet Neo walked the path to his own success after he started believing in himself and mastered his own mind.

Perhaps you were wondering, yes and what has this to do with trading the Forex market?

"Know Thyself"

Forex trading or any trading for that matter is a mind game in the first place. Some people spend a lot of time and efforts perfecting certain trading skills and knowledge like reading the charts and data, entry and exit skills but any normally intelligent person can learn these skills, they are the easiest part of the trading game. They are no doubt necessary tools to your Forex success but they don't make the biggest difference between a really successful Forex trader and the one who is not successful. So what does make the difference?

Let's ask the question: what is your goal in trading the Forex? It is to make money. Period!
Surely while you're making the money and great profits you can have fun too and you should but what you need are specific mental attitudes and strengths, that is if you want to be a successful Forex trader. These mental states are an asset that will help you in many other situations and contexts of your life.

As my Forex mentor told me, the major three mental and emotional frames of mind that characterize the majority of successful FOREX traders are:

1.Discipline & Passion
2.Confidence & Courage
3.Patience & Smart Persistence

We'll touch upon all three briefly to make it as clear as crystal to you so you succeed in the Forex market.

Like trading a Pair of Currencies these mental and emotional mindsets go hand in hand.

Discipline & Passion

Discipline, say the most successful Forex traders, is really important! It helps you be more effective in planning your trades and in sticking to the good plans you established before entering the trade. Always have an action plan for stop and limit levels for the trade before you enter it, your analysis should cover up the expected upside and downside.

Passion means commitment and love for what you do. It is your passion for something that keeps you going, improving, constantly learning (willing to buy excellent Forex courses from experienced and successful traders, remember Morpheus mentoring Neo) and persist beyond the ups and downs of the business. You need to know why you are trading the Forex because it is an awesome opportunity that you have to take, so develop a passion for it. Simply do what it takes to be successful, learn from the best.

A word of Caution: Never mistake your "Forex passion" for emotion that you might feel while trading the Forex, when trying to enter a trade without using clear and sound entry/exit indicators and rules.
Have fun, learn, and stay tuned for future developments and grow as a person in strength and character in "your Forex business" while remaining emotionally detached when you get in and out of a trade. If you do, you are bound to incredible success in the Forex trading business.

Confidence & Courage

Successful Forex traders believe in themselves and their abilities to learn and grow, to acquire more competence learning from a mentor.
There is no reality only perception, the Matrix can trick you but you can have your own special Matrix inside your mind that empowers you with an unwavering belief in yourself!

Have the confidence and courage to stick to your plan and stay with your rules even if others are doing the opposite. Keep your vision (end result) that you can make it in the Forex market in your mind until you are successful in it.

If you experience a situation where you know exactly how a currency pair will go and have a sound trading plan, go for it! Sometimes people fail to follow their own good plans because all sorts of emotions get in their way, emotions like greed and fear. Stay calm and act with confidence and courage otherwise your planning, analyzing and information gathering will be totally useless to you.

You become more competent when you educate yourself about the markets and learn from successful traders. Self develop: "Know Thyself", get into the habit of monitoring your emotions and questioning your limiting beliefs so that your mind works for you and not against you. Don't take things too personally, if you make a mistake then consider it to be valuable feedback so you become more successful, never a failure!

Patience & Smart Persistence

An Indian wisdom says: "Life is always right!" we say: "the market knows much better than you do!"

Learn to listen and read the signs the Forex market is giving you. Learn how to wait, observe and only enter a trade when it is the right time to do so, before you can reap the profits.

It can be hard to wait before your Forex trading screen and not jump into action but The successful FOREX trader will enter a trade according to the direction of the prevailing trend or will wait until a new trend shows up and establishes itself. The waiting ranges from a few hours to days or even weeks before a winning trend appears.

even if you day trade and are not a long-term or position trader, you still are well advised to keep impatience from ruining your profit chances.
Also be patient means you stick with winning trades. But be most impatient with losing trades.

Practice "Know Thyself" and continue learning your Forex trading from the best and we are sure you will be a successful Forex trader. You will be on the path of Neo, the One himself!

Karima Begag

P.S. Karima Begag is an Internet Entrepreneur with special interest and "passion" for Forex Trading and Knows it is a Life Time Opportunity to generate income for anyone who is willing to give it a chance. For outstanding Free Forex Information go here:

This is only one of the many profit making lessons and winning tips taught at Forex Profit Secrets. To get instant access to a Free gem of Forex Freedom Course click here now:

About the Author


The Though Side Of Forex Trading

You are sitting in front of your PC. Your heart is racing, sweat is starting to pearl on your forehead and adrenalin is pulsating through your veins at the speed of white light. You have live trade on the very popular Forex Market and your emotions are going mad.

If you ever wanted to feel like pregnant woman ( no offense intended) then this just the way to do it. A magnitude of pips and candles and fibs is glaring at you from the computer screen. Your money is gangling around in the air with your perspiration and the only thing that you can do is to have faith that you made the right move with you're trade.

This is all very scary and exhilarating at the same time. Some times trading the Forex Market should be compared to teasing a hungry lion with an open cage gate. Sometimes it is just downright tough. Why you ask? Because your emotions are out of control and that makes you scared money and scared money always lose. Why would you lose your money when you are scared because you will jump out with you winning trades with small gains and stay in with your loser hoping that the market will not hit you stop and take your money.

How can you prevent your emotions form ruining your trading career? First off never trade money you can not afford to lose, you can not use money that you saved up for your retirement or study money for college, or any money that if it is gone you are in deep... trouble. That will make your trading very difficult, now you need a plan of attack to trade the market if you do not have a plan do not live trade use a demo account to build your strategy. Demo trade until you make constant winning trades and see your demo account grow then you are starting to get your emotions under control. The most important rule of them all never trade with out a STOP other wise you're out of control. If your system tells you that you must take this lost never move your stop it will only worsen your losing trade.

What must I have in place before I start trading live? You must have a plan of attack and have the strength and discipline to stay with your Plan. If you lose, you have to go back and check if you followed you strategy if not to not trade again until you fix it. Every strategy will lose sometimes and you'll have to learn that losing it part of trading. Learn form every lost you take, by writing down the fault why you lost, so next you will not make the same mistake again.

Trading is like exercise, jogging you need to practice, to be come emotionally free to be in control when you are trading. When you have your emotions under control then you will succeed and make yourself a great big bundle of money.

Good luck on building your winning strategy!!!!

About the Author

Thank you for taking the time to read my article for tips and strategy's visit:

My forex trading price action support and resistance Reviews

How to Trade FOREX Using Automated Signals

It wasn't until recently that the average investor could participate in the foreign exchange market. Over 1.5 trillion dollars are traded on a daily basis in the FOREX market, which makes it very attractive for any investor. The truth is only 95% of FOREX traders ever see a dime when it comes to FOREX trading. Most of the money is absorbed by large investors and central banks.

Whether you are new to the FOREX market or are an established FOREX trader, traders are always in search of new trading techniques and systems. There is always a lot of different opinions when it comes to trading systems offering entry and exit points. A lot of them do not work, but yet at the same time a lot of them do.

Automated FOREX trading happens for a few reasons. One, not everyone is in front of there computer 24 hours a day and able trade at the most critical times. Secondly, anyone new to FOREX who finds it difficult to study the foreign exchange markets may be looking for a way to automate the process so that they do not have to figure out the FOREX market for themselves.

Typically FOREX signals providers send their signals via e-mail, SMS, or through a charting software program. Once the signal is received, if the account is a managed one, the signal will automatically execute the trade, if not a phone call to the trading desk or a click of the mouse from a trading platform will also execute the trade.

What to look for in a proven FOREX trading system.

When searching for a reliable FOREX signals provider, the very first thing to check for is a proven track record of success. If there is no hard data showing their trading success, then there probably isn't much money to be made and there signals aren't worth the money anyhow. A phone number to call for support or to ask questions is always good too. Having a phone number listed shows credibility in the trading system and that they are willing to share with you real results and their experiences.

There are many reliable FOREX trading systems available. Finding the right one can be a challenging task. Make sure there is plenty of support as well as a proven track record. There is nothing more discouraging than using a trading system that does not produce results.

About the Author

Tim Rohrer is an established Forex trader. To learn more about a reliable Forex trading system, visit

Forex, an alternative investment vehicle, Part 2

In the first part of this article I have outlined 10 good reasons why Forex (Foreign Currency Exchange Market) is an excellent investment opportunity for anyone to make money, online, even with very little start-up money available. In this part I will explain how to get started.

If you want to make money with Forex, online, you have to think of it as a business and treat it as such. You have to get serious about it and you need to get organised. Initially, you have to 'go to work' just like you would in a conventional business. Set aside some quite, work hours for yourself, in a quite corner of your house so you can concentrate on your business without any interruptions.

Also, as with any other business or trade, you have to train yourself and hone your skills, continuously. The Forex offers an amazing opportunity to make money, with little effort in record time, however, you have to know what you are doing and you do have to put in some work. Just as you would not allow your 10 year old kid to drive your fancy, expensive car, it would not be a good idea for you to jump into trading the Forex without learning how to drive this 'vehicle'.

If you are a beginner spend some time on reading up on the Forex and perhaps find someone who is already trading successfully. Ask them to mentor you or allow you to look over their shoulder. Once you have some idea on what makes Forex tick, you should open a demo account with one of the many reputable online brokers. This is the best way to learn what happens to your money and your account in the real world without actually risking any of it. You also have to develop good record keeping habits. It's not a hard job to do it, you just have to be disciplined enough to keep up with it. Again, it's no different from a normal business except that the rewards can be much, much higher in relation to the work you have to put in and of course you can do it from anywhere as long as you have access to the Internet.

So, here is a simple list of how to get started:
1) Setup a quite corner for yourself as a work-area,
2) You must have a reliable computer and reliable connection to the Internet, if you can afford a second connection to the Internet with a different service provider than it's even better (I'll explain why in a future article). Also make sure you are comfortable and have plenty of light, a dingy, dark corner will soon dampen you enthusiasm,
3) Set aside some 'quality' time for you business the same time, every day in the beginning, you can spend less time as you get more experienced,
4) Find out more about how the Forex works, train yourself and find a mentor who is already trading successfully,
5) Open a demo account with a reputable online broker,
6) Start keeping a record of everything that you do and why you do it. The easiest way I found to do this is with a simple Excel Sheet(c) or something similar,
7) Analyse the results of your actions and see how they affect the balance of your demo account,
8) Make backups of all your records, I can't emphasis this enough, it's really, really important,
9) Revise your actions and record keeping methods then go back to step 4.

It may sound a lot, however, most of it is common sense and applicable to any and all businesses. It is critical that you keep a record of everything that you do, whether it's changing your chair or the lighting, a new trading platform. Whatever you do make sure you have a record for it and an indication of how, if at all, it has affected your trading ability. I have records of everything I do, not just for Forex, but for all of my other businesses going back 7 years! Now, that's a lot of record keeping but with computers it's real easy.

I think we have covered a lot in this second part. I'll go into more details in future articles. Meanwhile, go through this article and start putting my suggestion in to action. If you have any questions about what I've said above or need information on anything related, just refer to the resources and links at the end of this article.

Wishing you success,

About the Author

Ference is fanatic about currency trading and teaching others about this amazing opportunity. Contact him at or visit his site at

beginners forex trading Information

A Couple Points You Should Know About Forex Trading

Forex trading is hugely profitable, but it is not without its' pitfalls. If you're interested in a forex trading career, you will need to employ winning strategies that both ensure capital preservation as well as maximize returns. A Forex trader needs to be organized and needs the requisite tools in his toolset to be successful. Among these tools are:

1) A reliable internet connection - you do not want to be locked out during a crucial trade due to a faulty internet connection
2) A reliable computer - the machine needs to perform and not "freeze up". You need adequate hardware to run any Forex charting or signal software you may way to run.
3) A Dealing Station - this software serves as an interface between you and your broker and allows you to make trades with a few clicks of your mouse.
4) Real-Time Exchange Rates - rates update thousands of times daily, you must have up to the minute quotes
5) Executable Quotations - quotes you can click on and then instantly execute your trade

These basic tools are required, but are no guarantee of success. You will also need to develop a number of personal characteristics in order to succeed. Chief among these is the development of self-discipline. You will need to stick very carefully to a trading plan in order to forge a successful Forex trading strategy. You need to have the discipline to stick with your plan and execute it faithfully. You will need conviction in your beliefs, which will require you constantly seeking more information to augment your intuition. Forex markets move fast, and the best method for fast action on your part is having a plan of action planned, and then seeing it through to the end.

When you begin trading Foreign exchange currencies, you must always limit your downside. Get in the habit of trading only with money you can honestly afford to lose. This way, if you suffer losses, although they may be painful, they will not be completely devastating. Being able to handle your losses in way that doesn't destroy you mentally, emotionally, or financially, is a sure sign of long-term success. All traders experience losses, but great Forex traders keep their impact to a minimum because of careful tactics.

Forex is considered to be one of the most consistent trending markets in the world. Following trends closely can be your best ally in your quest for profits. To against the trend is to invite sudden and total disaster. There are a great number of indicators you will need to follow, although this treatise is too short to cover them. But once you know your indicators inside and out, once your intuition is aligned with the help of technical tools, and above all else, once you have defined and followed your perfect Forex trading strategy, you will know the joys of hugely profitable Forex trading. Good luck in your efforts.

About the Author

For information about Trading Forex, please visit

How To Find A Forex Broker That Won`t Rob You Blind

It`s not always easy to know what to look for in a forex broker, especially in any market, much less a market as complex as currency. But, if you want to trade in the market you need a good firm to work with. While it might be tempting to simply ask the brokers what they can do for you, you can`t always depend on them to give you a straight answer. So instead, I`ve put together a few things to consider when choosing your forex broker.

You will want a forex broker that has low spreads. The spread, which is calculated in pips, is the difference between the price at which a currency can be bought and the price at which it can be sold at any specific point in time. Since forex brokers don`t charge a commission, this difference is how they make money. Low spreads will save you money.

Along with this, you should be looking for a forex broker attached to a reputable institution. Unlike equity brokers, they are usually attached to large banks or lending institutions. The firm should also be registered with the Futures Commission Merchant (FCM) as well as regulated by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC).

Once you`ve narrowed your choices down to brokers that won`t cost you too much, and that are reputable, consider the trading tools that they are offering you. Forex brokers have many different trading platforms for their clients, just like brokers in other markets. These often show real time charts, technical analysis tools, real time news and data, and may even offer support for the various trading systems.

Before you commit to any one company, request free trials of their tools. Brokers generally provide technical as well as fundamental commentaries, economic calendars, and other research to help you make good trades. Shop around until you find a forex broker who will give you everything that you need to succeed.

The next item that you will need to evaluate carefully is the number of leverage options your potential partner has. Leverage is a necessity in forex trading because the price deviations in the currencies are set at fractions of a cent. Leverage is expressed as a ratio between the total capital that is available to be traded and your actual capital. For example, when you have a ratio of 100:1, your forex broker will lend you $100 for every $1 of actual capital you have. Many brokerage firms will offer you as much as 250:1. If you have low levels of capital you will need a brokerage with high levels of leverage to make reasonable profits.

If capital is not a problem, any forex broker that has a wide variety of leverage options would be a good choice for you. A variety of options will let you vary the amount of risk you choose to take. For example, less leverage (and therefore less risk) may be preferable if you are dealing with highly volatile (exotic) currency pairs.

Along with different levels of leverage, look for brokers that offer different types of accounts. Many brokers will offer you two or more types. The smallest account is known as a mini account and it requires you to trade with a minimum of around $300. The mini account also generally offers a high amount of leverage.

The standard account allows you to trade at a variety of different leverages, but it requires minimum initial capital of $2,000. And finally, there are premium accounts, which often require significant amounts of capital. They also generally have different levels of leverage available to the traders who use them, and often offer additional tools and services. You will need to make sure that the partner you choose has the right leverage, tools, and services for the amount of capital that you are able to work with.

A brokerage firm that meets all of these needs should be a good forex broker for you, but you still need to be certain that they are honest. Dishonest brokers can be prone to prematurely buying or selling near preset points (commonly referred to as sniping and hunting) or may indulge in other habits that will cost you money.

Obviously, no brokerage firm admits to doing things like these, but there are ways to know if they have. The best ways to find out more about your potential forex broker is to talk to fellow traders. There is no list or organization that reports dishonest activity, but a visit to online discussion forums, or a simple conversation will often reveal who is an honest forex broker.

You should also watch to see if a brokerage firm has strict margin rules. Since you are trading with borrowed money, your forex broker has a say in how much risk you are able to take. You agree to this when you sign a margin agreement for your account. This means your firm can buy or sell at his discretion, to cover the brokerage firm's interests, which could have repercussions for you.

Say you have a margin account, and your position takes a headlong nosedive before it begins to rebound to all time highs. Even if you have enough cash to cover it, some brokers will liquidate your position on a margin call at that low point. This action on their part can cost you dearly. You can only find out whether the firm is prone to this kind of activity by talking to other traders. Being informed on all aspects of a forex broker before you make the decision to trade with them will allow you to start trading the forex market with confidence.

About the Author

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Why You Should Trade FOREX Over Other Investments

Everyone has heard of stocks and shares, probably even the futures market, but trading the FOREX (Foreign Currency Exchange, or FX) market is a relatively new phenomenon. Until recently, FOREX was the domain of the banking fraternity (large banks can trade billions of dollars daily), and the elite in financial and business circles. But now it is possible for the average person to be a part of this incredible - and very profitable - way of making a living, thanks to the personal computer and an internet connection. All done electronically and considered an over-the-counter (OTC) market, trading is far easier and less risky than either the futures or the stock markets. Money can be made both on a rising and falling market, unlike the stock market, which relies on shares increasing in price to create profit.

More and more astute internet entrepreneurs are shunning the traditional financial markets and turning to FOREX trading. They know that it is possible to earn a full-time income from part-time effort - if you'd like to make $200 to $3,000 for as little as ten minutes' work, and with minimal risk, then FOREX is for you.

FOREX, the spot (cash) market for buying and selling currency, is the largest financial market in the world. Every day more than $1.5 trillion (yes, trillion) is traded globally and, unlike the stock market, which has fixed hours, it is a market that never sleeps. Somewhere in the world, at any time of day or night, FOREX is open for business, six days a week. The market starts each day in Sydney and moves around the globe as other FOREX financial centers open: first to Tokyo, then London and New York.

In simple terms, currencies are traded in pairs, for example the Euro and the US dollar (EUR/USD). The first currency - in this case the Euro - is known as the base currency; the second currency (here, the US dollar), is the counter-currency. All trades result in the simultaneous buying of one currency and the selling of the other. Thus, in this example, if you place an order to buy the EUR/USD, you are buying the Euro and selling the US dollar. If you were to sell the pair, you would be selling the Euro and buying the US dollar. There are many other currency pairs, such as USD/JPY, GBP/USD, EUR/GBP, USD/CHF and so on.

What makes trading FOREX an incredible way to make money online, is that price movements are highly predictable, creating trends that can be anticipated when it comes to decide when to buy and sell. Contrasting with stocks and shares, FOREX trading through brokers is commission free. It is also possible - and definitely recommended - to open a demo (practice) account with a broker first, where you can learn to trade and gain experience before you part with a cent of your own money.

Do you want financial freedom? With huge advantages over other more conventional money markets, why not experience the excitement of pips, rollovers, leverage, lots, long and short positions, limit orders etc. and start to trade FOREX. Good luck!

Penelope Housden.

For more information on FOREX trading, and a FREE report showing how you can turn $300 into $30,000 in as little as 6 months, go to:

About the Author


"Forex has the Advantage"

Greetings Fellow Forex Traders,

When it comes to trading in any market, Forex currency trading has a huge advantage over other players in trading business. Firstly, the Forex market has the advantage of time freedom. You see in the 4x market one can trade around the clock from Monday through Friday. In the stock market that is simply not possible since the market closes at 4:00. This advantage of time freedom allows those who have not yet earned enough money trading in the 4x market to maintain their day jobs while trading at night. It is also quite plausible to trade in the morning before a person goes to work. Trading the Forex can become an excellent second job for you.

Unlike the stock market, the currency trading market does not require a trader to pay a commission to place a trade. This will come as a welcome sign of relief to those who have grown accustomed to the vast amount of money they must fork over to their brokers which go towards clearing, exchange and government fees. In the 4x market you also do not have to worry about having a large sum of money in your account to sell your currency pairs. This concept of selling as you may already know is commonly called shorting in the equities world. You can buy or sell at will in the currency trading arena.

It is so amazing to be able to participate in this market right now. You can do so from the comfort of your very own home. As long as you have a computer that is connected to the Internet you are in business. You can begin trading with as little as 300 dollars. I will show you how to turn this 300 dollars into some serious money in no time at all. This should be a lot easier to do given the advantages that you know the 4x market has over its competitors.

The Forex market is traded by some of the world's richest individuals including Bill Gates and Warren Buffett. You now have access to the same opportunities as they do. What is stopping you from getting on the road to financial freedom. You can start now. You do not have to wait. You have already begun the journey by choosing to educate yourself on the pros of the Forex market.

I personally love the fact that you can trade whenever you want to with the Forex. You see, in the stock trading world you are flagged if you are deemed to be a daytrader. In other words if a trader of stocks chooses to trade every day, he or she must have an account balance of 50,000 dollars to do so. There are no such restrictions when it comes to trading the 4x. If you work at night, you may trade in the daytime. If you work during the day, you may trade at night. You simply trade according to the schedule that works best for you.

I want you to think about money for a moment. Who uses it? The whole world does in some form or another. Another advantage that the Forex market has is that there will always be a need for money. You are simply trading one currency for another in the currency market as the 4x is commonly reffered to. The Forex market is not going anywhere. It is here to stay. The only question is then who will be a part of it. We need money to buy the things we use everyday and so do those who live in the other parts of this world.

Another advantage that 4x has over stocks is the advantage of trading focus. Instead of having to choose between over 4,000 stocks you can deal with 4 main currency pairs. Any good business person knows that focusing on too many things is a recipe for financial disaster and this can hold equally true in the stock market. A stock trader also must grapple with the time issue doing research on all those potential stocks presents. It is also much easier to become familiar with 4 things as opposed to 4,000 things. Focus is the name of the game and 4x trading makes it much easier to do so.

The ball is now in your court. Will you take it and make the decision to win with currency trading? 4x is indeed the winner's game and those who win consistently know how to play it well.

Much continued success,

The creator of "The 4x Express"

The 4x Express can show you how to trade and do well in the 4x market. To catch "The 4x Express" soon at an email box near you and get your "Free Ebook" called "Forex Freedom" go to:

About the Author

The author of this article is the creator of "The 4x Express". A fantastic website which focuses on helping people succeed in the Forex market.