Friday, June 27, 2008

Why I Like forex trading price action support and resistance

Forex Trading - No-Touch Options

There is a saying that the person who makes the rules wins the game. Usually that's true. It's also true when it comes to exotic options in forex.

You have to remember that the forex brokers aren't stupid. The way they price the options and all that. They are setting you up to fail if you trade them. There are very complicated algorithms that compute how likely the price is to get to (or not to get to a certain level) by a certain time.

You are playing their game when trading options like that.

For example, if you're sure the price wouldn't touch 1.3212 and you get pricing on that option, you'll notices that if the broker agrees with you, your risk-to-reward ratio is terrible. If the risk-to-reward ratio is good, then definitely don't trade it. The broker thinks you're going to get slaughtered and is trying to bait you into trading it.

The people who make the rules win the game. Remember that.

It's much better to just take an outright position if you really have that strong of an opinion. Remember that no broker can manipulate the price of the currencies (at least not for very long).

Options are a trap. The broker thinks of you as a mouse. The option is really tasty cheese. It promises low cost, and a big pay-out. But it won't deliver. It's very similar to playing the lottery, but you're a trader, not a gambler.

Only take a trade if you have a edge.

Do you want to learn more about how I trade? I have just completed my brand new guide, "Forex Trading - What Finally Worked For Me".

Download it free here: Forex Trading

Nathan Pennington is a forex trader and the author of Winning Forex Trading -THE Definitive Guide


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